STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about RS232 (73)

| Go wireless with RS-232! With an Espressif ESP32 module, you can give wings to a serial interface. In addition to its serial link communicat...

| The MAX232 RS-232 line driver IC is widely used in communication lines between different devices. Today, they connect RS-232 ports to the in...

| Portable MAX 232 Tester

| If you are looking for a reliable yet affordable four-channel oscilloscope, consider the popular Rigol DS1054Z. For less than €400, this dev...

| The “legacy” serial port is still used a lot for interfaces between electronic devices and PCs. Here we present a compact implementation, ba...

| An Elektor Platino-based system intended as a debugging tool for serial communication busses.

| In May, after exactly 10 years in a rented 16th century mini castle, Elektor HQ is moving to Aachen, Germany. All staff are expected to “tra...

| You’ll be surprised by the size of this low-cost, reusable, and multi-platform USB/serial converter the size of a moulded plug on a USB cabl...

| If you are mainly involved in designing or repairing digital devices, a logic analyzer is more useful than an oscilloscope for tracing signa...

Member Only​

| Cool project. Offers a serial to USB bridge featuring two full 9-pin RS-232 ports plus two RS-422 ports (full-duplex). In addition to this t...