All items tagged with Software Defined Radio and SDR (21)

| In this video Elektor engineer Maria Laniewska unboxes the Elektor Raspberry Pi RTL-SDR Kit, which includes the book Raspberry Pi for Radio...

| If you have taken an amateur radio exam in the course of the last few years, you likely have come across the topic of software defined radio...

| Software defined radio (SDR) allows receiving and decoding of radio signals using relatively simple hardware and a computer. The 'SDR Hands-...

| This "TX-FM1" project is a study of a complete FM transmitter in the 88-108Mhz band which can be managed by a USB port in HID mode. The use...

| The WSPR (Weak Signal Propagation Reporter, pronounced ‘whisper’) radio transmission technique was developed to enable considerable distance...

| LimeSDR Mini -- Functions Maxi! A pocket-sized SDR for transmitting and receiving

| Author Burkhard Kainka’s inspiring Foreword in the book I’m reviewing here has important clues as to why software defined radio (SDR) is a h...

| Software-defined radio (SDR) offers an alternative design approach compared to traditional radio frequency (RF) design techniques. This arti...

| Analog Devices’ ADALM-PLUTO SDR Active Learning Module (PlutoSDR) introduces the fundamentals of software-defined radio (SDR), radio frequen...

| One LimeSDR Mini from Lime Micro and one Raspberry Pi Zero have been used to create an open-source pocket-sized DVB (digital video broadcast...