All items tagged with Software and digital (9)

| Keysight Technologies and Silicon Labs announced a collaboration that streamlines the validation of timing solutions critical in the develop...

| The aim of this series of articles is to show that the popular AVR microcontrollers are also suitable for digital signal processing. This ti...

| The digital benchtop power supply is controlled by a microcontroller programmed in PIC BASIC, while a Visual BASIC program is responsible fo...

| The SoftwareIn addition to this circuit, a PC is necessary onto which the requisite Windows program needs to be installed. Continuing in the...

| New software to simulate logic circuits seems to hit the streets every month, and most of you will be aware that logic simulation on a PC...

| Together with the associated software, this circuit is not only a 3%-digit PC-controlled digital multimeter (DMM) with a plethora of bells...

| This month we close the article with a description of the control software developed for the DiAV system. Also, we help you to test the ma...

| Designers of digital equipment are fully aware of the difficulties of testing their designs to confirm that the logic of the design works...

| Most of us are aware that computers and other digital systems can go haywire just like that. If neither the hardware nor the software can...