All items tagged with Software and Elektor Business (28)

| This is a submission from Keysight Technologies on Breach Defense, a security operations platform designed to improve operational security e...

| This is a submission from Microchip on the next generation PIC18-Q43 family which helps developers bring higher performing solutions to mark...

| Keysight Technologies and Silicon Labs announced a collaboration that streamlines the validation of timing solutions critical in the develop...

| This is a submission from Lattice Semiconductor on the latest version of its popular software design tool for FPGAs, Lattice Radiant™ 2.0. I...

| This is a submission from Lattice Semiconductor on the first FPGA developed on its new Lattice Nexus™ FPGA platform, CrossLink-NX™. This new...

| This is a submission from Keysight Technologies on the PathWave Test 2020 software suite, which delivers an integrated experience for leadin...

| The drone and autonomous robot industry is rapidly growing. Kevin Sartori talks about Auterion’s mission to extend the reach of open-source...

| Self-driving vehicles are a hot topic. But few people consider one of the biggest problems with autonomous vehicle technology: it’s designed...