All items tagged with Software and Software Defined Radio (20)

| The aim of this series of articles is to show that the popular AVR microcontrollers are also suitable for digital signal processing. This ti...

| As this series shows, the popular AVR microcontroller can be used for digital signal processing tasks. In this instalment we will look at a...

by JN

| Atmel AVR microcontrollers are very popular, not least because of the free development tools that are available. In this series we shall sho...

by JN

| As this series shows, the popular AVR microcontroller can be used for digital signal processing tasks. Here we will use an ATmega88 to sampl...

| As this series shows, the popular AVR microcontroller can be used for digital signal processing tasks. Here we will use an ATmega88 to sampl...

| Atmel AVR microcontrollers are very popular, not least because of the free development tools that are available. In this series we show how...

| The G8JCFSDR is a software implementation of a conventional radio, using digital signal processing (DSP) techniques. The G8JCFSDR in conjunc...

| Almost as soon as the Software Defined Radio article was published in the May 2007 issue of Elektor Electronics, we started receiving reques...

| SD (software-defined) radio receivers use a bare minimum of hardware, relying instead on their software capabilities. This SDR project demon...

| Until now panoramic display and selectable bandwidth were features found only on top range (and fearfully expensive!) shortwave receivers. R...