All items tagged with solar and Solar Energy (117)

| Using its two electrodes, formed from two stiff pieces of bare copper wire, the circuit can be stuck into the pot of any plant you want to m...

| Especially with somewhat longer trips, a portable solar panel can come in very handy to ensure that you always have enough power for your mo...

| This device is designed to be a simple, inexpensive 'comparator', intended for use in a solar cell power supply setup where a quick...

| It takes only a handful of components to build our intelligent regulator. It uses a PIC 12C671 microcontroller, which has the double advanta...

| This ‘solar’ PSU having been designed for this purpose right from the start, the elements it composes are integrated to a higher extent, lea...

| This simple circuit can be used to charge batteries from a solar cell array. The circuit consists of an oscillator, a DC-DC step-up or ‘boos...

| The PR4403 is an enhanced cousin of the PR4402 40 mA LED driver. It has an extra input called LS which can be taken low to turn the LED on....

| This small 12 V solar power source maintains its orientation towards the sun under control of a timer rather than the more usual light-sensi...

| This project is intended for use in conjunction with existing or still-to-be-built garden lighting systems. The circuit cannot operate alone...

| It all started in September last year. Since then over 40,000 man-hours have been invested on the solar car by Solar Team Twente. They have...