STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about speech recognition (5)

| The AIY Voice Kit V2 do-it-yourself (DIY) artificial intelligence (AI) kit based on the Raspberry Pi Zero WH is an easy way to get started w...

| Language assistants like Alexa, Google Home or Siri are now commonplace. However, the actual recognition of the spoken words is not done loc...

| Retrofitting speech recognition to existing objects is possible thanks to all sorts of kits that have started popping up the last few years....

| We've come a long way since we used punched cards to interact with computers. However, the holy grail of human-computer interfacing (HCI) is...

| This time of year is good for forecasts. Some of them are disconcerting, because they raise fears that we’d rather leave asleep. That’s wh...