STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about SPI (17)

| Serial data transfer refers to the process of sending data sequentially. Sequentially means one after the other. Therefore, in serial data t...

| Have a display configured for SPI? You could buy an I2C display, but why not do it yourself? Read on to learn how to change the display from...

| This small circuit enables your microcontroller to drive 25% more LEDs while freeing up programming resources. Isn't that what we call a...

| 3 ways to make SPI compatible with WS2812B-type addressable RGB LEDs.

| MicroMod is a compact interface to connect a microcontroller to various peripherals. You can generally think of the MicroMod system as a ‘br...

| If your microcontroller is missing a feature, you’ll likely find a device featuring either SPI or I²C to extend its functionality. Whether y...

| If you are looking for a reliable yet affordable four-channel oscilloscope, consider the popular Rigol DS1054Z. For less than €400, this dev...

| Here’s a quick primer on sending data over the SPI bus from one microcontroller to another. The data is this case consists of 10-bit reading...

| This is a submission from Microchip on a new cryptography-enabled microcontroller, the CEC1712 MCU with Soteria-G2 custom firmware – designe...

| This is a submission from Microchip on a new family of Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) EERAM memory products that offers system designers...