All items tagged with Switch and technology (23)

| Halogen lamps are rightly popular because they give a good light and have an excellent efficiency. Unfortunately, they tend to be costly....

| If you ever need to derive a 5 V line from, say, a 15-25 V supply, National Semiconductors LM1575 and LM2575 are ideal. These switched 5-...

| Most debounce circuits shorten or lengthen the time a switch is pressed to obviate interference pulses caused by switch bounce. The pres...

| Any push-button switch can be used as a bounce-free, change-over switch with the aid of two D-type bistables contained in a 74HCT74 and...

| The logic relation 'exactly two of a,b,c, are true', or ((a,b,c,)), can perform all standard logic functions: for example, a = not b is (...

| Switching transistors are usually driven into saturation. which has an adverse effeet on the switching speed. This effect is eliminated,o...

| Binary-coded-decimal (thumb-wheel) switches are not only relatively expensive, but are also often not available to the wanted specificati...

| Rectifying the buzzer signal on a telephone line results in a voltage that may be used to switch one or more loads, for instance, a light...

| Many people still use the old C64 computer to play games on, but get frequently annoyed by the constant need of changing over the joysti...

| The pump in sorne central-heating systems has two or even three speeds. At the lowest speed, not much hot water is pumped around the cir...