| for hibernating batteries. This is a charger designed specially for batteries that are not used for long periods, e.g. those of motor- cycle...
| for hibernating batteries. This is a charger designed specially for batteries that are not used for long periods, e.g. those of motor- cycle...
| switches up to 1750 VA Motorola ICs 3040 and 3041 enable the construction of a simple elec- tronic relay that in spite of its simplicity has...
| switches itself on (and off) This circuit forms a switch that can be triggered on (or off) at the onset of darkness and remain active for a...
| 73 electronic switch for audio signals The complexity of the problems as- sociated with switching audio signals is proportional to the sophi...
| S.P.T.S. single pole toggle switch As can be seen elsewhere in this issue, a press on/press off function (toggle) from a single pole push bu...
| elektorjuly/august 1983 101 capacitive switch Take a square wave signal with a given frequency and integrate it. This gives a stable continu...
| for filming and other applications It is sometimes required that one of two parallel-operating units is switched on just after, and switched...
| A with six switchable settings Most asynchronous receiver/transmit- ters (generally known as UARTs) operate at a clock frequency which is si...
| for computer-controlled d.c. powered 373 equipment 374 5V 2001 T2 It is not enough simply to own a micro computer, you must also know what t...
| switches sounds electronically In a few situations it is desirable to be able to switch audio signals elec- tronically. One such situation i...