All items tagged with T-Board and Elektor Labs (8)

| Loved and hated at the same time, breadboards remain a great source of inspiration. They are loved because of their versatility and ease of...

| This T-Board allows easy connection of the BBC micro:bit to a breadboard and doubles as a weather station and power supply.

| Things are better with bootloaders, and since this is especially true for microcontroller development boards we decided to investigate the m...

by Lucky

| In 2014 Elektor presented three AVR T-Boads designed by Andrew Retallack, tiny processor boards designed to be fitted on bread board for bui...

| Up until now we only had digital T-Boards. Why not an analog one? We asked ourselves what could be a useful circuit when experimenting with...

| . Elektor’s latest T-Board 28 is perfectly placed to help you prototype your next low-power project, as illustrated in this build of a power...

by Lucky

| This idea was triggered by a ready-made project we received. It contained an XBee module which was used in transparent mode (in short: UART...

| Update: We now have a fa​mily of T-Boards - for the ATmega328, ATtiny24/44/84 and the ATtiny 25/45/85 controllers.Refer to "version 0.3" bel...