All items tagged with technology and Amplifier (12)

| This stereo preamplifier is primarily intended to be used as a companion to the Valve Final Amplifier described in the April and May 2003 is...

| The broad-band instrumentation amplifier described may be used for a number of applications. It has symmetrical Inputs and a variable amp...

| There are quite a few applications of an audio power amplifier in which power and hi-fi characteristics are of secondary importance. If, for...

| The wideband distribution amplifier is based on a single Type OPA621. This op amp is typified by a very short settling time, a high slow...

| The scanner is an extension for the 'AlI-solid-state preamplifier' published tn the December 1989 / January 1990 issues of this magazine....

| This circuit has been designed primarily for use with valve amplifiers. When the arnplifier is switched on, filament voltage is supplied...

| The unit discussed here indicates, by means of achain of LEDs, in logarithmic ratios the strength of an electric field surrounding the un...

| The all-solid-stäte preamplifier we published some months ago is controlled entirely electronically, including the switching of the input...

| The constructian of a UHF amplifier frightens most people, unless they are expertenced radio/TV enthusiasts. They should, therefore, appr...

| It happens frequently that the output current of an operational amplifier is inadequate for the application as, for instance, whent a sma...