All items tagged with technology and PDF (297)

| The aim of the design of this 'zener diode' is to obtain a fast voltage regulator that can provide high currents. The circuit is based on...

| All I²C cards published so far in this magazine are normally powered by the 5 V supply in the PC via the 6-way DIN socket on the 12C PC...

| Halogen lamps are rightly popular because they give a good light and have an excellent efficiency. Unfortunately, they tend to be costly....

| The rectifier is intended to improve the bandwidth of most digital multimeters. It is based on a halfwave rectifier in a traditional set-...

| The tester shows on a seven-segment, common-cathode display whether its input is logic 1 (H on the display) or Iogic 0 (L on the display). A...

| This low-power UHF FM transmitter is intended for remote control applications such as garage doors and wireless alarm systems. lt is a si...

| This is a stand-alone application of a stripped-down version of the 80C32 single-board computer. The cost of making a BASIC version of th...

| To enable the 80C32 generate a TV picture, it requires a digital-to-analogue converter (DAC).This DAC must be capable of working at relat...

| Virtually all modern cars have a built-in alarm to warn if you have left the lights on when you are getting out of the car. There are, how...

| The charger makes cunning use of the properties of a Type 555 timer. The tnternal window comparator of the lC is set to 4.7 V by zener dio...