All items tagged with technology and PDF (297)

| Telephones are now readily and cheaply available: two identical ones and a handful of components enable a simple house-telephone to be s...

| A frequent annoyance with battery-operated equipment is that just after you switch it on you notice that the battery is fIat. Quite proba...

| The charger deseribed switches off the charging voltage when the battery reaches its full nominal voltage and switches it on again when...

| Some radio amateurs are very keen on accurn te RST reports, others (mostly the VHF/UHF fraternity) never look at the 5- meter on the rec...

| Although there are a number of ICs on the market with which it is quite simple to construct an LED VU meter, there is still interest in buil...

| The circuit in the diagram is intended for synchronous, wireless triggering of one or more slave flash units when the mother flash is tr...

| The timer is intended to actuate an apparatus for a predetermined period of time, for instance, an ultra-violet exposure unit or a photo...

| Motorola's Type TLC2201 low-noise precision opamp is probably not the best-known amplifier made in LinCMOS technology, but it is certain...

| A voltage regulator with properties like low voltage drop, 1 A current, protected against reversal and voltagepeaks up to 60 V, inexpens...

| Keeping your car battery constantly charged when the car is not in use appreciably increases the life of the battery. Charging is, of co...