All items tagged with technology and PDF (297)

| The electronic doorman enables a door to be opened automatically after a predefined delay from the moment a bell has been rung. It is int...

| This straightforward circuit, based on four darlingtons, enables a d.c. motor to rotate clockwise or anti-clockwise under the control of two...

| The most noteworthy element in this circuit is Th1, which is known in data books by no fewer than three different names: thyristor tetrod...

| As more and more electronics enthusiasts appear to have overcorne their initial doubts, misgivings and fears of working with surface-moun...

| In most variable power supplies, the correlation between the setting of the wiper of the relevant potentiometer and the output voltage is...

| A pulser Is a special type of pulse generator that praduces short-duration (fast) pulses. Such pulses are very useful for test and measur...

| Almost all households have at least one infra-red remote contral unit, be it for the viode or audio equipment. Unfortunately, it sometime...

| A 4-to-16 decoder is eminently suitable for constructing a simple four-position selector with integral debouncing of the switches.

| Resistance checks on suspect transistors normally fail to provlde a conclusive answer as to whether the transistor is all right or defect...

| The "MIDI signal redistributicn" unit we published in May 1987 (p. 22) has even more possibilities than we thought at the time.