All items tagged with technology and PDF (297)

| The adjustable flashing rate and low offstate current drain make this circuit eminently suitable for use as an on-off indicator where batter...

| This circuit behaves like areal mosquito: as soon as it gets dark, it begins to buzz irritatingly. As soon at it gets light, it becomes...

| Although the multimeter whose circuit is shown here is fairly simple to make, you may experience difficulties in obtaining some of the co...

| The 50/75 Ω driver is based on a Type OP64, which was designed specifically for use in pulse and video applications. Because of internal...

| Many people find that when they want to add a CD player to their aud io system, there is no available input left on their power amplifier...

| This simple design, consisting of a TL071C driver and two MOSFET power amplifiers, can deliver up to 45 W into 8 Ω.

| Many constructors have good reasons for preferring a low-cost EPROM programmer with manual data and address to a full-blown programmer ope...