STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

More about Temperature sensor (180)

| [Partner Content] Microchip's MCP998x family represents one of the largest automotive-grade remote temperature sensor portfolios available f...

| Michael Horne’s innovative DIY project is a portable, battery-powered temperature, humidity, and pressure sensor using a Raspberry Pi Pico W...

| The Dallas Semiconductor DS18B20 sensor is included in many beginner kits and offers an easy introduction to temperature measurement. Before...

| This unusual circuit detects if the temperature of an object has passed a certain limit. A thyristor mounted on the object monitors the temp...

| The I²C bus has been around since the 80s, and is well-supported on today’s popular platforms, including the Raspberry Pi series. Node.js ma...

| This device uses changes in temperature to detect airflow but without needing a special sensor. Instead, it uses the temperature sensor buil...

| This circuit detects if the temperature of an object became too high. The thyristor is mounted on the object that has to be temperature moni...

| This detector circuit uses just the Arduino Nano itself, no added sensor. Blowing some air from 30cm distance can be detected. It detects v...

| In contrast to the ESP8266, the ESP32-C3 is equipped with a Bluetooth Low Energy RF communication link. If you only need to send small amoun...

| Is the fridge door closed? This alarm helps you fight such wasteful situations as it will let you know when the fridge door remains open for...