All items tagged with Time and LED (23)

| In here we respond to our reader letters.

| The signal-controlled switch actuates or deactuates a.f. equipment, including preamplifiers, power amplifiers, and filters. It is partic...

| The dual complementary pair of switching FETS and inverter contained in a Tvpe CD4007 CMOS IC enable an LED flasher to be made that uses...

| With the darkness of winter evenings on them again, joggers, walkers, hikers and long-distanee runners should take heed of their safety...

| Standard potentiometers have some unfortunate properties, such as crackling when they get older and unequal tracking in stereo types. A...

| Designing a suitable LED display for a particular application can be time consuming. In particular, the decoder that sits between the dri...

| The measurement card for the indoor /outdoor thermometer "may be provided with the additional LED indicator shown in the diagram to check...

| Although there are a number of ICs on the market with which it is quite simple to construct an LED VU meter, there is still interest in buil...

| The light-emitting diode with integrated flasher is connected in series with the base emitter junction of tranaistot T1. This results in...

| The adjustable flashing rate and low offstate current drain make this circuit eminently suitable for use as an on-off indicator where batter...