All items tagged with Time and Simple (19)

| For sure: this is not a very original project: countless people designed a clock. Why another one? Well, this is a very compact clock built...

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| A darkroom timer is not such a complicated device: you can easily build one yourself using a microcontroller.Although previous darkroom time...

| Have you ever needed to power a 12-volt relay in a circuit but only had 6 or 9 volts available? This simple circuit will solve that problem...

| Simple triangle-wave generators have a weakness in that the waveform of their output signal normally cannot be modified. The circuit pre...

| This very simple infra-red receiver is intended to form an infra-red remote control system with the simple infra-red transmitter describ...

| The circuit of the Celsius thermometer in the diagram is based on the well-known Type LM334 from National Semiconductor. This IC is a se...

| The term ‘computer hobbyist’ brings to mind the image of a lonely father sitting in a spare bedroom, typing cryptic machine-language code...

| With many simple computers, hard copy printing can be time consuming. In that warning period, other work may be carried out. (Note: many...

| To keep the converter simple, it contains no preset controls, which means that the level of the output voltage is dependent to some degree...