All items tagged with Time and Timer (105)

| This article is a pointer to the full story Elektor Members can find in the Labs section of the Elektor Magazine website. While we have spac...

| The first part of this series introduced the basics of programming in Assembler and the hardware fundamentals of the PIC controller used. Pa...

| Accurate timing is very important in the digital world. For that reason we turn in this installment of our course to the SAM D20’s timers, i...

| One of the longest chapters in the ATmega328 data sheet is the one that describes its three timers. The timers can be used in so many differ...

| A timer circuit that turns on a pump for a short time every five minutes can be easily made using the famous 555 IC. Unfortunately, it's alm...

| The celebrated ‘555’ IC was originally developed as a timer device, but over the years this golden oldie has been used in all sorts of other...

| Circuits consume energy when they switch state, clocks and counters are therefore quite costly in terms of battery life for mobile applicati...


| Ever heard of 1GΩ resistors? The 555 timer here has a duration time of about 270s; by using a high resistance value of 1GΩ, no electrolytic...

| The timer presented here is designed to look like and mimic a classic sandglass and should need zero explaining to your kids, the operation...


| The timer presented here is designed to look like and mimic a classic sandglass and should need zero explaining to your kids, the operation...