All items tagged with Time and Timer (105)

| Overcharging of batteries is prevented by the timely switching off of the charger. A timer that can be set to within a minute can be bui...

| To achieve a comfortable room temperature quickly it is often required to switch on the central heating (CH) boller tor ten minutes or...

| The timer is intended to actuate an apparatus for a predetermined period of time, for instance, an ultra-violet exposure unit or a photo...

| Everyone should clean his teeth a tleast a couple of times a day. Dental research shows that cleaning one's teeth for three minutes at a...

| The solid-state relay timer described in this article is weil suited to the on/off switching, at predetermined times, of a.c. loads rated...

| Siemens Type 5AB0529 IC may be programmed for periods from 1 second to 31 hours 30 minutes. lt may be used for switching staircase lights...

| Many amateur photographers spend a disproportionate amount of their time in the dark-room. The exposure timer presented here can cut down...

| *see text R1 045 TIMER WITH AUDIBLE WARNING RESET VI EMI ZIT) id 1 2 P1 * R2 5008 CAI9 220n 9V R3 c2 O Applications of this little circuit i...

| 051 GENERAL INTEREST D4 11441 48 I S1 15 09 013 1C3 4060 PI 0 5V 0 Bz O R8 680n BC547B 11•111•11 894071 - 11 DL TOnTOOR 16V 03 Re1 1N414...

| 056 MAINS POWERED TIMER This timer may be inserted in a power line to provide a controllable delay before a load is energized. It was develo...