ECIA - March 2025 (728x90)

More about Twente University (14)

| Hydrogen as a transport fuel is slowly gaining ground. The Green Team Twente have presented their most fuel-efficient model of their hydroge...

| A miniature jail for photons: that is the nanocavity that researchers from the University of Twente have discovered. It is an extremely smal...

| Computer systems produce a lot of heat. That is why data centres are full of fans, and even a smartphone can become quite warm. Reducing the...

| Researchers from the University of Twente have succeeded in connecting two parts of an electronic chip using an optical link. This is, for e...

| A droplet of oil that is placed on a very cold liquid surface will, after a short time, start to move by itself, in straight lines and for m...

| The national government of the Netherlands, a number of provinces and regions, companies and knowledge institutes, collectively will invest...

| A wind turbine on the Danish coast near Thyborøn is a world-first: its conventional generator, with permanent magnets, has been replaced wit...

| The special properties of ‘topological materials’ generally take place at their surface. These materials, for example insulators that nevert...

| Phonics will play a key role in fast and energy-efficient communications. Chips that operate with light will be used in, for example, intern...

| The first electric racing team of the University of Twente, Electric Superbike Twente, on 25 May 2018, revealed their brand-new motorcycle:...