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More about Uno R4 (19)

| The new Arduino Plug and Make Kit invites everyone to build Devices, explore electronics and connect to a global community. Check it out!

| We've got an exciting new book about the equally intriguing Arduino Uno R4. It is based on a 48-MHz, 32-bit Cortex-M4 processor with an ampl...

| The powerful Arduino UNO R4 is the newest member of the iconic Arduino UNO family. It even comes in two versions. Let's take a look at the M...

| The powerful Arduino UNO R4 is the latest addition to the iconic Arduino UNO family. The new sibling even comes in two versions: the Minima...

| Excited about the Arduino UNO R4? Join us for a livestream on June 28 (4 PM Berlin) with Arduino, Renesas, and some notable makers.

| The powerful Arduino UNO R4 is the newest member of the iconic Arduino UNO family. It even comes in two versions. Let's take a look at the M...

Member Only​

| The Elektor Uno R4 is like an Arduino Uno but featuring two UARTs, two I²C (IIC or TWI) ports, two SPI ports, 24 GPIOs, eight analogue input...

| Semiconductor companies have been posting big gains in 2018 Fujitsu has a new Supercomputer CPU in the works, and the CTIA has a new cyberse...

| The Elektor Team works hard each day to engage its constantly growing community of maker pros, electrical engineers, students, and electroni...

| PCB Visualizer, the free online tool suite by Eurocircuits enables clients to check PCB designs for manufacturability before ordering. Not o...