STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with USB and Battery (9)

| Want to design a battery level indicator? Would you like to construct a magnetic levitation device? Curious about what Elektor was predictin...

| In one respect all batteries are identical: sooner or later they die on you! Even rechargeable types are not immune from this problem, as th...

| I wrote previously that it is hard to pass the EXIT / AUSGANG gates at the embedded world trade show in Nuremberg and not have a few demo or...

| In one respect all batteries are identical: sooner or later they die on you! Even rechargeable types are not immune from this problem, as th...

| The board described here measures the voltage and the current up to 170 A supplied by the battery in your scale model, then transmits these...

| Testing batteries is a fairly common task among electronics enthusiasts. Instead of using a complex stand-alone meter, you can put the intel...

Member Only​

| Update 5/8/2015Labeled as Dead End since no progress has been made in two years.Project starts here

Member Only​

| A PWM output controls the logic FET BUK101-50 (or IRLIZ44N). This FET switches the discharge current through 2 resistors. A 0.1 ohms resisto...

| Besides being handy for connecting and disconnecting equipment while the computer is running, USB includes a built-in supply line that can p...