STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with USB and PWM (6)

| The sampling frequency of the ScanaQuad SQ200 logic analyzer and signal generator is 200 MHz. Its input range is ±15 V, it offers various in...

| Atmel announced additional unique features to the already-successful 8/16-bit AVR XMEGA microcontroller (MCU) family with the industry's...

| Transferring up to 24 digital signals using your computer’s USB interface is simple with the multifunction cable described here. You can als...

Member Only​

| A PWM output controls the logic FET BUK101-50 (or IRLIZ44N). This FET switches the discharge current through 2 resistors. A 0.1 ohms resisto...

| A PWM output controls the logic FET BUK101-50 (or IRLIZ44N). This FET switches the discharge current through 2 resistors. A 0.1 ohms resisto...

Member Only​

| Transferring up to 24 digital signals using your computer’s USB interface is simple with the multifunction cable described here. You can als...