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All items tagged with USB and Apple (7)

| Since its introduction over 25 years ago the USB port has become the de-facto standard for communications between a PC and its peripheral eq...

| Pico Technology’s 2000 series USB oscilloscopes have a fine “bandwidth” both in terms of “megahertz” and cost: from the £99 10 MHz entry-lev...

| The Elektor department for tools, equipment, kits also contains some really useful articles: Some of my more recent articles include the DV...

| USBPD (USB Power Delivery) extends the power supply range from the conventional 15 watts to up to 100 watts, enables larger devices such as...

| Apple is renowned for its innovative products, they were the first to introduce a computer without a disk drive and they are not afraid to u...

| Thanks to a special integrated circuit from FTDI Chip, computer peripherals with an RS232 interface are easily connected to a USB port. This...

| The USB Interface described elsewhere in this issue demonstrates that the USB may be used for DIY projects related to measurement and contro...