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All items tagged with USB and Elektor (13)

| Limited time offer: 1-year Elektor Green membership and receive 3 FREE Arduino e-books loaded on a 32-GB USB stick!

| Here comes a dazzling DYI project allowing you to touch an electric arc (30 kV hey presto) with your bare fingers. No harm from that. Though...

| The Peltier lamp offered by Elektor is a project with a surprising principle: power a LED reading lamp with the energy from one candle. The...

| The manual construction of prototypes with SMD components has become quite a challenge. It is no longer possible to inspect the result with...

by RM

| The dark days before Christmas are approaching rapidly. Electronics hobbyists are always keen to make a festive gadget for the celebrations...

| If your USB device ever suffers from noise caused by a ground loop or if you want to protect your PC against external voltages, then you nee...

| The goal of this project is to allow standard AA size rechargeable batteries, like NiMH, to effectively charge portable devices like smartph...

Member Only​
by tech

|  By Markus Hirsch (Germany)------Please click on the links to download the articles from Elektor.MAGAZINE (log-in required):

| Many radio amateurs in practice use two receivers, one portable and the other a fixed receiver with a PC control facility. The Elektor DSP r...

| Like it or not, Ball & Beam is a compulsory item on the Electronics Engineering curriculum, specifically for classes on PID (proportional-in...