STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with USB and LED (7)

| The Peltier lamp offered by Elektor is a project with a surprising principle: power a LED reading lamp with the energy from one candle. The...

| Control your various DMX fixtures using a PC with USB interface and the included "DMX Light Player" software!  Write your own software with...

| The new evaluation board for the PIC24F 16-bit microcontroller family is supplied in a DVD box and has a very comprehensive set of features....

| Many readers who are familiar with the PICmicro range of products will be aware that several of these wonderful devices have a USB port alre...

| The idea behind this project is a simple one. The power supplies for a (A)DSL modem and accompanying WLAN router can draw a total power of a...

| In the past, a lot of space in hobby rooms and work stations was taken up by an instrument in a large case with a small screen, but now many...

| In this issue we publish an ActiveX component, which can be used to control the USB analogue converter (Elektor Electronics, November 2003)....