STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with USB and Microcontrollers (5)

| A good True Random Number Generator (TRNG) is a useful thing to have. Secure data encryption, for instance, is almost impossible without one...

| When designing systems with microcontrollers, SoCs, LCDs and touch screens it’s often useful to incorporate a cheap Tablet or smartphone. In...

| Since the DB25 / DB9 serial port has disappeared on modern PCs, it is getting complicated to connect up legacy equipment with RS-232 connect...

| You’ll be surprised first and foremost by the size of this USB/serial converter — no larger than the moulded plug on a USB cable! And you’re...

| This neat stand-alone memory stick can store or transfer data from a microcontroller system in the field to a PC using its built-in USB and...