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All items tagged with USB and Microsoft (6)

| In days of yore before all PCs came with USB ports we were busy toggling pins on the PC’s parallel port and communicating via RS-232. Nowada...

| Pico Technology’s 2000 series USB oscilloscopes have a fine “bandwidth” both in terms of “megahertz” and cost: from the £99 10 MHz entry-lev...

| Microsoft is positioning Windows 10 as a universal platform: using Visual Studio you can write a program that will run equally well on a Win...

| Windows smartphones have recently been gaining a noticeable market share. The new Windows Mobile 10 operating system allows you to use a Win...

| The Xbox is the well-known Microsoft game computer. The fact that the Xbox is based on PC technology should hardly be surprising, since Micr...

| In the previous issue of Elektor Electronics, we described how device drivers are used. Now it’s time to modify a Cypress device driver. You...