STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with USB and Programming (6)

| It’s not been that long since every electronics hobbyist wished they could afford a programmer for PROMs, EPROMs, GALS and microcontrollers....

| This project lets you program ESP-01 and ESP-012 type ESP8266 modules via an FTDI USB interface. An additional connector makes it possible t...

| Like it or not, Ball & Beam is a compulsory item on the Electronics Engineering curriculum, specifically for classes on PID (proportional-in...

| Back in November 2003 you could already read about a small development system for the (then) new series of controllers from the 8051-compati...

| In the previous issue of Elektor Electronics, we described how device drivers are used. Now it’s time to modify a Cypress device driver. You...

| There are many advantages to connecting hardware via the Universal Serial Bus (USB), but there are also many obstacles to be overcome. In th...