STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with USB and Radio (5)

| Since the switch-off of DVB-T and its replacement by DVB-T2 there have been long faces in several European countries where the original digi...

| Many radio amateurs in practice use two receivers, one portable and the other a fixed receiver with a PC control facility. The Elektor DSP r...

| In the January 2009 issue of Elektor we saw how straightforward it is to connect a low-cost RFM12 868 MHz ISM (licence-free) radio module to...

| SD (software-defined) radio receivers use a bare minimum of hardware, relying instead on their software capabilities. This SDR project demon...

| iDwaRF brings together a Cypress WirelessUSB transceiver and an Atmel AVR microcontroller to create a networkable 2.4 GHz radio module featu...