Deal Of The Week 2021 (Mainheader) - EN

All items tagged with USB and Review (15)

| The Fnirsi FNB58 is a versatile USB tester for voltage, current, and energy measurements, with many advanced features. Let’s try it out!

| The Fnirsi FNB58 is a versatile USB tester for voltage, current, and energy measurements, with many advanced features. Let’s try it out!

| The beauty of an SD card is that it gives you simple access to data. You can copy or alter a card's content on laptops, PCs, or even microco...

| Since its introduction over 25 years ago the USB port has become the de-facto standard for communications between a PC and its peripheral eq...

| In days of yore before all PCs came with USB ports we were busy toggling pins on the PC’s parallel port and communicating via RS-232. Nowada...

| A few years ago we placed a review about the Siglent SDS1102X and back then we were very enamoured by the quality and extensive capabilities...

| Pico Technology’s 2000 series USB oscilloscopes have a fine “bandwidth” both in terms of “megahertz” and cost: from the £99 10 MHz entry-lev...

| It’s not been that long since every electronics hobbyist wished they could afford a programmer for PROMs, EPROMs, GALS and microcontrollers....

| The Elektor department for tools, equipment, kits also contains some really useful articles: Some of my more recent articles include the DV...

| I wrote previously that it is hard to pass the EXIT / AUSGANG gates at the embedded world trade show in Nuremberg and not have a few demo or...