STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with USB and Test & Measurement (6)

| The Fnirsi FNB58 is a versatile USB tester for voltage, current, and energy measurements, with many advanced features. Let’s try it out!

| USB killers are malicious devices disguised as USB flash drives. The USB Killer Detector described here lets you identify such pen drives be...

| I wrote previously that it is hard to pass the EXIT / AUSGANG gates at the embedded world trade show in Nuremberg and not have a few demo or...

| Rapid digital signals are delivered differentially. Examples include HDMI, DVI, and USB. Are you looking to measure high-speed digital signa...

| This neat design allows you to use a standard USB memory stick to store data in a microcontroller-based system. Memory sticks provide a larg...

| Curve tracers have been a staple in Elektor since 1979. This practical project from 2009 measures and records characteristic curves of NPN/P...