STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)

All items tagged with USB and Texas Instruments (6)

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| In most cases, connecting peripherals to a PC is not a problem. The fact that a USB stick, for example, has the same ground potential as a l...

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| Connecting peripherals like USB sticks to a PC is usually straightforward since they share the same ground potential. However, USB-connected...

| Silicon Laboratories has introduced the industry’s first crystal-free USB to I²S audio bridge designed to support a wide range of codecs and...

| The theme for this month’s instalment is USB protection. Components covered: Texas Instruments TPD2EUSB30ADRTR and OnSemi NCP380LSN05AAT1G.

| Texas Instruments supplies handy USB evaluation sticks with related software for its low-cost MSP430 controllers. Unfortunately the I/O faci...

| The USB Audio-DAC described exactly two years ago received unexpected acclaim as a small external sound card. Soon after the publication we...