More about weather (49)

by Lucky

| Simple but effective good-old-555 based circuit that detects condensation and drives a fan in a bathroom. The original design uses a capacit...

by Lucky

| Simple but effective good-old-555 based circuit that detects condensation and drives a fan in a bathroom. The original design uses a capacit...

| Following requests from numerous Elektor readers, the author of the USB Weather Logger with Long-term Storage (Elektor September 2011) has c...


| The aim of this series of articles is to show that the popular AVR microcontrollers are also suitable for digital signal processing. This ti...

by pmit

| This stand-alone data logger displays pressure, temperature and humidity readings generated by I²C-bus sensors on an LCD panel, and can run...

by bibi

| Based on an AVR microcontroller we are going to develop a weather station measuring humidity, pressure and temperature.OK, so maybe wind & r...

by bibi

| Based on an AVR microcontroller we are going to develop a weather station measuring humidity, pressure and temperature.OK, so maybe wind & r...

| This stand-alone data logger displays pressure, temperature and humidity readings generated by I2C bus sensors on an LCD panel, and can run...