STM32 Edge AI Contest (728x90)
internet of things (IoT) Select Page

About internet of things (IoT)

Qualcomm is acquiring Edge Impulse to expand its AI and IoT capabilities, enhancing on-device AI performance and developer tools. The move s...

Stereotype firmware coding can lead to operational disruptions, forcing developers back to the design table. What if your MCU loses network...

Discover how the Arduino Portenta X8 can be used with Edge Impulse for your Edge AI projects in this Elektor Webinar featuring Arduino Pro....

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| The news around AI mainly reports on the achievements of tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney — powerful, cloud-based tools. But there are plen...

| The Ezurio Sona IF513 is a compact, rugged, globally certified industrial IoT module offering reliable connectivity and easy integration. It...

| Recorded live at the Elektor booth during electronica 2024, Maria Hernandez, Product Specialist at ‪Qoitech, takes you through the essential...