Ton Giesberts (354)

| The delay line makes possible an improvernent of the surround-sound decoder published in this magazine in early 1995.

| The characteristics of a loudspeaker cannot be derermined (outside a special test room) with a sinusoidal signal, since various frequenc...

| To determine whether two capacitances are equal or not, the comparator measures the change in period of a triangular oscillator into who...

| Remote control transmitters come in countless different shapes and for many different functions. They are also so cheap and beautifully...

| There is a growing tendency to fit audio equipmem with electronie volume conirols (virtually always remote controlled). This consists of...

| The design, consisting of an electric microphone, amplifier, and moving-coil meter, arranges for the meter to give a reading that is lin...

| This circuit automatically disconnects a mid-range loudspeaker or a tweeter from the output of an amplifier when too much power is appli...

| It is a frequent requirement in computer and audio systems that several units are switched on or off simultaneously. The simplest way of...

| In a surround-sound system, the quality of tbe drive units is not particularly important. After all, the audio bandwidth of this channel is...

| For specific applications, there are ICS whose operation may be influenced by the programrmng of the contral registers. Communication be...