Ton Giesberts (354)

| Oscillators exist in a bewildering number of types and variants, each with its own, specific, features. A type known for its near-perfect s...

| The gyrator, or electronic inductor, is based on a Type NE5532 operational amplifier and can be used in filters and other apphcauons at...

| Most readers will be acquainted with a tone control as found on many audio amplifiers. Such a control normally consists of a potentiomet...

| Standard potentiometers have some unfortunate properties, such as crackling when they get older and unequal tracking in stereo types. A...

| The filter consists of two fourth -order sections in series. Various components in the second section have been given two different valu...

| As described in Part 1, the temperature sensor is linked to the protection circiut in the inverter via K1 (pins 2, 4, 6 and 8). lts outp...

| The control, which makes use of a 6-position rotary switch, provides stepped amplification or attenuation of low audio frequencies.

| The suppression of the centre frequency in this bandstop filter is not dependent on the capacitors used, but on the resistors and the pr...

| Many counter ICs on the market, such as the 4059, 40102 and 40103, are specifically designed for use as programmable timers of dividers....

| The S/PDIF copybit eliminator described has to be incorporated into a DAT or DCC recorder. which means that the player has to be opened...