Clemens Valens (931)

| Many LEDs, those highly popular Light Emitting Diodes, die prematurely because they are improperly used by people who know little to nothing...

| Vinyl records have never been more "back" as today. As this project goes to show, a nearly 150-year-old technology prototyped by Thomas Edis...

| Simulating oscillators can be problematic as they often won't start in the simulator. The problem is due to the simulator that assumes a per...

| Artificial Intelligence is where all the money goes these days. Founded at the end of 2015, OpenAI started out with a capital of one billion...

| Summer is halfway now (at least in parts of Europe), meaning that it is time to start our yearly Elektor Labs summer competition. The subjec...

| In the ever-changing world of electronics, not many applications remain valid after eight years, but there are exceptions. One of them is th...

| Light beams are useful for sensing in all kinds of applications if other light sources, often sunlight, don’t interfere. Modulating the beam...

| Playing with the mains voltage can be deadly, so proper isolation techniques and safe working practices are very important. Besides emphasiz...

| In this Installment: - Build a Portable Bluetooth Speaker With Light Effects - This GPS-based Alarm Clock Hides a Cool Graphics Touch Scre...

| In the beginning of 2019, some 35 years after its introduction, version 2.0 of the Musical Instrument Digital Interface, better known as MID...