| The venerable I²C bus has never been more popular. Most modern microcontrollers either have a hardware I²C interface or are capable of bit-b...
| The venerable I²C bus has never been more popular. Most modern microcontrollers either have a hardware I²C interface or are capable of bit-b...
| All of today’s ubiquitous perforated prototyping boards (a.k.a. stripboards; veroboards) have one thing in common: they are outdated. TTL h...
| A good many situations exists where a computer has to communicate with a device sporting some kind of serial port, be it RS-232, RS-485, I2C...
| This time: 1. Knockin' on Mozart's door. 2. I bet you didn't see it coming. 3. The one. 4. PLC PLuX 5. Seven segments 6. Sir, the networks i...
| Since the launch of the Elektor.Labs website almost three years ago the number of people who took the time to create an account has steadily...
| At the end of September 2014, less than a year after the introduction of the Galileo board (now at revision 2) Intel launched its tiny Ediso...
| This project was born after I discovered the Atmegatron music synthesizer from Soulsby Synthesizers [1]. This synthesizer is built around an...
| In this third and last article for this project we look at the software structure and describe how it was developed, including the related d...
| Even if you have an upmarket logic analyzer and are completely at ease with its operation, you are unlikely to use it to debug simple circui...
| Even if you have an upmarket logic analyzer and are completely at ease with its operation, you are unlikely to use it to debug simple circui...