More in Environment (47)

| Earlier on this news channel we reported on a serious request for help from NASA to develop a tricorder for extraterrestrial use and indeed...

| Researchers from the Lappeenranta University of Technology and VTT Technical Research Center of Finland have developed a process that produc...


| Transmitting data from a capsule dangling from a weather or sounding balloon is not easy as it often involves expensive and sophisticated eq...


| The amount of negative oxygen ions in the ambient air seems to affect the psychological and physical state of many people. The air in the mo...

| As electronics become increasingly pervasive in our lives – from smart phones to wearable sensors – so too does the ever rising amount of el...


| Zero liquid discharge (ZLD) is one major step towards making an industrial plant non-polluting. It means that a plant can take in water but...

| On November first and second 2017 the Electrical and Electronic Equipment and the Environment Conference will take place at the Hilton Londo...

| Specific systems within a facility respond differently to power losses. After a disaster, power should be restored to the most critical serv...

| When you want to use your smartphone for an extended period of time in an area where electricity is very scarce, you either bring with you e...

| In an earlier news item I wrote about the effort the Dutch put in repairing all sorts of electronics, even in Repair Cafes. Now, it seems th...