automatic pump control - economy switch for the central heating system
automatic pump control elektor november 1980 — 11-25 With energy prices continually rising, it isn"t a bad idea to take a look at the amount of energy consumed by "small consumers" in the house. One which could certainly function a lot more cheaply, once it were properly used is the central heating pump. This is because in most systems the pump has to work continually Few people realize how much energy is consumed by devices that are continu- ally switched "on". This article deals with a central heating pump using water as a means to transport heat. In a hot air system, for instance, the pump is controlled by the thermostat and so it will only operate when the heating is switched on. In a centra) heating system using water, however, the pump is often on for long periods. Strangely enough, this is often to save energy, for if there is still a lot of hot water in the boiler once the burners have been switched off, it would be a pity to let it cool off, which is why it is usually p...
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