junior paperware - good news for Junior Computer fans
Volume four is the final book in the Junior Computer series. Together with the additional system software, published in the April (Basic on the J.C.) and the May issue (Software cruncher and puncher) of Elektor, the books form a very useful library. Obviously there is a lot more new hardware and software for the Junior Computer that could be published! The problem is not what should be published, but how? Hex dumps and source listings take up a lot of space and we would also like to keep Elektor interesting for readers who do not possess a Junior Computer. A book is another possibility, but it would take too long and for technical reasons would be too expensive. The ideal solution is to combine the best of the two possibilities and in this way come to a compromise. Therefore we intend to publish a certain number of articles under the title of Junior Paperware", a kind of international copy service, consisting of several good news for Junior Computer fans pages of A4 size. Producti...
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