Electronic tuning aid
4-24 - elektor april 1982 electronic tuning aid electronic tuning aid This article will be of special interest to those readers who enjoy music, particularly musicians. Tuning any instrument quickly and efficiently can sometimes be a problem, at the very least, it can be laborious. This article provides a quick and easy method with a circuit using the minimum of components, in fact, just three ICs. The use of digital technology ensures that simplicity is not at the expense of accuracy. The circuit easily lends itself to be modified to suit any particular purpose. S. Akkal Simple is beautiful it is said. In this case it may not be exactly beautiful, but this tuning aid will provide what a great many musicians have been looking for. There are two main problems associated with tone generators - which is all that a tuning fork really is. The first is that of stability. It is obvious that the instru- ment being tuned can only be as accu- rate as the tuning source and therefore the ...
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