Dynamic RAM card - 16 K in 8 ICs
4-28 - elektor april 1982 dynamic RAM card 16 K in 8 ICs Dynamic RAMs are so economical these days that it is worthwhile to use them instead of static RAMs, despite the additional control electronics required. Eight ICs can store up to 16 K and still leave plenty of room on the Eurocard for the control logic. Further advantages include low current consumption and high-speed access times. Computer owners who are running out of memory and space will welcome this opportunity to extend their RAM facilities. than a capacitor and an FET switch. As a result of a slight leakage current in each capacitive unit, the voltage level across the capacitor slowly drops in value. Thus, in order to prevent the data stored in the capacitors from being lost, their charge must be refreshed from time to time. This calls for an additional control circuit and very precise timing for the operation to pass off smoothly. That is not the only problem. An awful lot of memory cells can be integrated on a sin...
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