Basicode-2 for Junior plus VDU card - Junior Computer + VDU card + Basicode-2 = the best of all worlds
Basicode-2 for Junior plus VDU card elektorfebruary 1984 Two of our recent projects, the VDU card and the Basicode-2 interface, can both be used individually with the Junior Computer. However, there are bound to be some JC users who are interested in using these two "extra"s" together. The program given here was designed to do just this and thus provide the best of both worlds. Two versions of the software have been developed, for the extended Junior and for the DOS Junior. Basieodem2 for Junior plus VDU card Junior Computer + VDU card + Basicode-2 = the best of all worlds The description of Basicode-2 and the adaption to use Basicode-2 with the Junior Computer in particular have already been dealt with in Elektor no. 102, October 1983. All details of the hardware and soft- ware needed are given there so we will not go into that again here. The only change needed to use Basicode-2 with the Junior Computer and VDU card is to modify the standard subroutines. Two tables of these subr...
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