Stereo Sound Generator
24 S T E R E O SOUNDGENERATOR A high-quality stereo sound effects board for the Universal I/O bus, based on Valvo"s Type SAA1O99 advanced single-chip complex waveform generator. Applications include enlivening computer games and operation as a programmable test generator for simulation of composite AF waveforms. Here is yet another simple to build exten- sion board for the Elektor Electronics Universal I/O bus (0. It answers the popular demand for an advanced sound generator that can be programmed to produce an astoundingly wide variety of complex sounds in stereo, simply by having the computer send the appro- priate commands and datawords for each channel via the Universal I/O bus. The main specifications of the sound generator board described here are shown in the shaded box below. Digital sound grammed separately for each tone gener- ator by writing a 3-bit number in registers 10H, 11H and 12H. The fre- quency range covered within each octave is given in Table 2. The frequency ...
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