Log/Antilog Amplifier Type Ssm-2100
ELEKTOR ELECTRONICS OCTOBER 1989 APPLICATION NOTES The content of this column is based on information obtained from manufacturers in the electronics or allied industries, or their representatives, and does not imply practical experience by Elektor Electronics or its consultants LOG/ANTILOG AMPLIFIER TYPE SSM-2100 The SSM-2100 from Solid State Micro- technology, a Precision Monolithics Inc. (PMI) company, is a complete monolithic subsystem for the realization of logarith- mic and exponential transfer characteris tics. It contains two precision opamps, a high conformance transistor pair, a preci- sion bandgap voltage reference and a sub- strate temperature regulator that stabilizes the scale factor and greatly attenuates drift of the reference. A negative reference voltage is also available to facilitate exter- nal trimming. Inputs Like all log amplifiers, the SSM-2100 has a limited dynamic range for voltage inputs, owing partially to the input offset voltage (which can be trimmed)....
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