Uhf Channel Trap
40 Powerful repeaters for cellular radio and paging systems, or a strong local UHF TV transmitter, can wreak havoc with the reception of your favourite TV channel. This is usually caused by excessive field strength and resultant intermodulation in the aerial booster or the UHF input stages of the TV set. Cancel the interference once and for all with this simple two-component notch that covers the entire UHF TV band. Ghost pictures, moire effects, poor syn- chronization, colour corruption, picture inversion and even complete receiver de- tuning are but a few of the awkward prob- lems suffered by TV owners having their own roof-mounted aerial installation, but unfortunate enough to live close to a transmitter site with UHF stations on it. Problems may arise almost overnight when you find that a particular TV chan- nel suddenly has a lot of interference on it, or is simply replaced by an moving pattern with accompanying buzz on the sound channel. On investigating the mat- ter, it may...
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